Eye Modification Surgery in Central Texas

Do people ask if you’re tired, even when you’ve gotten plenty of sleep? The eyes accomplish more than helping individuals perceive the world around them. They also convey emotions without people needing to say a single word. As people age, the skin on the eyes often begins to hang heavier, causing people to constantly display feelings that don’t truly reflect how they feel, be it tiredness, irritability, or another. The natural aging process may also result in baggy eyelids, wrinkles around the eyes, and the development of dark circles that won’t go away regardless of how much sleep they have gotten.

Fortunately, eye rejuvenation surgery can help restore a youthful, energetic appearance, providing patients with the confidence they may have lost. Dr. Charles Guy and the dedicated team at Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas specialize in cosmetic services from the collarbone up, including eyelid plastic surgery. Many of these treatments can be performed at the office in Waco, TX, with local anesthesia and require little to no downtime. Explore the basics of these procedures here and learn how Dr. Guy helps brighten the faces of patients throughout central Texas.

Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelift)

Excess skin to the upper eyelid can make someone look older than their actually age or look older than they feel. Some people grow excess upper lid skin sooner in life which may affect mascara or makeup spreading to places they don’t want or even affect how Botox looks when injected above the eyebrows. Upper blepharoplasty procedures look to address this concern by removing excess skin and occasionally bulging fat that can give the eye a heavy, aged look.

Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas tends to be detailed with its approach to this procedure. Taking away too much fat can result in a hollowed look but taking away too much skin can lead to a surprised expression — neither of which is the desired outcome. Instead, the team works diligently to preserve the natural look of each patient while providing the more youthful appearance they desire.

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Eyelift procedure can remove excess skin and fat
Close-up of bag under patient’s eye

Lower Blepharoplasty (Removal of Eye Bags)

Tired looking eyes are often the result of a lack of sleep. However, as people grow older, this look can become a constant look independent of the amount of sleep you had. Skin, muscles, ligaments, and lids all become lax with age, causing an array of cosmetic concerns, such as undereye bags, tear-trough deformity, crepe-like skin, and changes in the shape of the lower lid.

Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas can treat these conditions with professional lower blepharoplasty services. Depending on the specific need for the treatment, eye bag surgery may include:

  • Tightening or removing the skin
  • Removing fat
  • Repositioning the lower lid
  • Replacing lost volume

These procedures are designed to give clients a more natural transition from the lower lid to the cheek, providing them with the well-rested, youthful look they wish to achieve.

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Brow Lifts

Eyebrows should help frame the eyes and not draw unwanted attention. This often overlooked component plays a major role in how the face is portrayed and eyes perceived. Since brows are tasked with framing eyes, improperly placed brows can cause someone to look surprised, tired, mad, or even overly concerned when they aren’t.

A brow lift can help change the position of the eyebrows, relieving heaviness above to the sides of the eyes, improving the appearance of the face. The approach at Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas is to lift a client’s eyebrows so they frame the eyes correctly, conveying symmetry and beauty.

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Patient about to undergo brow lift treatment

Professional Eye Plastic Surgery Services in Waco, TX

Residents of Central Texas searching for professional cosmetic services don’t need to travel across the state to cities like Austin or Dallas. Located in Waco, TX, Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas offers clients a full range of professional services to address concerns patients may have with different parts of their face, including their eyes and the areas around them. These eye plastic surgery services help clients achieve the look that builds their self-esteem.

The goal of Dr. Guy and his team at Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas has always been to offer patients in Central Texas a safe and reliable avenue for plastic surgery, educating them about procedures and communicating with them in a down-to-earth manner. For more information regarding these cosmetic surgery services or to request a consultation, please contact us today.