Otoplasty (Ear Pinning)
Surgery in Central Texas

Ears come in all shapes and sizes. The prominence of a person’s ears can depend on the shape of their face, their hair length and style, and other features. For some patients, however, ears that stick out or are misshapen can be a source of embarrassment. An ear reshaping procedure, known as otoplasty, can fix congenital abnormalities in the cartilage or skin of the ear.

Located in Waco, TX, Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas offers advanced ear rejuvenation procedures including otoplasty. Find out more about ear plastic surgery and what to expect during and after the procedure.

What Is Otoplasty Surgery?

Otoplasty, also known as ear pinning, is an umbrella term for all surgical and non-surgical methods for correcting deformities in the external part of the ear. Certain changes can happen to the ear tissue as a baby develops in utero that can result in a prominent ear, an ear that folds forward, or other variations that might look or feel abnormal to a patient. Many people can feel self-conscious about the appearance of their ears. During childhood, they may have been teased because of how their ears look, and even may still endure that ridicule today.

Otoplasty surgery can be done as early as age five once a child’s ear cartilage has stabilized. However, it is often done later in life once the patient is a teenager or an adult. To reshape one or both ears, a surgeon may remove cartilage or excess skin. Each set of ears is unique, so patients are evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine the best surgical plan.

Before-and-after photos of ear pinning procedures performed at Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas can be seen in our gallery.

These images show a 30- to 40-year-old woman who did not like how far her ears protruded. The patient underwent otoplasty in the office. The surgeon was able to recreate the natural folds in the ear and bring the ears closer to the head, so they are no longer a distraction.

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What to Expect With
an Otoplasty Procedure

For adults, an ear pinning procedure can be done at the office or in an operating room (OR) after making the ear numb with a local anesthetic. For children, it is best to have the surgery done in the OR with general anesthesia, so they are asleep during the procedure.

The surgical approach will depend on the kind of reshaping needed. Occasionally, there will be a small incision behind the ear, but often the procedure can be completed with a few small puncture marks. The surgery generally will take about one to two hours, although this can vary. After shaping the cartilage into the proper position, the surgeon will secure it with internal stitches. They also will use small sutures to close the incision sites.

Stitches will be removed in the office a week after the surgery. Patients likely will have some pain and swelling around the ears and can take pain medication as needed for post-operative discomfort. To help keep the ears pinned back during the early phase of healing, the patient will need to wear a soft headband over their ears for two to three weeks while sleeping following otoplasty. Sleeping with the head elevated can help reduce swelling and discomfort.

While it is best to avoid strenuous activity or sports the first week after cosmetic surgery, most people can return to school or work the next day. Avoid submerging the ears in water for about three weeks after surgery – do not go swimming or participate in water sports. However, showering is permitted. Complete recovery from otoplasty will take several weeks.

Look Better With Help
From Facial Plastic Surgery
of Central Texas

It is a beautiful thing when patients feel they no longer need to hide their ears because they are a harmonious part of their overall facial structure. At Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas, patients can seek otoplasty services close to home in the central Texas area instead of driving to cities like Dallas or Austin. Specializing in plastic surgery from the collarbone up, Dr. Charles Guy and his medical team have established a strong reputation. Dr. Guy was voted a top provider of cosmetic surgery in Waco by Wacoan Magazine. He takes the time to get to know each patient individually and determine the best cosmetic solutions. In addition to ear pinning, other ear rejuvenation services include:

To learn more about otoplasty surgery or request an initial consultation with Dr. Guy, contact Facial Plastic Surgery of Central Texas today.